There is another HLAA chapter in Indiana:
HLAA Michiana Chapter
Hearing Loss Association of America- National,, has chapters in Indiana
There are 2 HLAA Chapters in Indiana:
Indianapolis Chapter serving Central and Southern Indiana
Michiana Chapter serving Northern Indiana and Southern Michigan

In April 2018, the Indiana Committee for Communication Access (ICCA) was formed as a grassroots organization to raise awareness and improve communication access for people with hearing loss.
The ICCA is composed of community members who unite to create policy change and advocate for people with hearing loss across Indiana.
Some of the accomplishments of ICCA include advocating for state legislation and communication aids that assist Hoosiers with hearing loss.
For example, in 2019, ICCA and Rep Doug Miller were the driving force behind passage of HB 1113 - Telecoil and Beacon Positioning System. The bill received unanimous bipartisan support and was signed by Governor Holcomb. The law requires audiologists and other hearing care providers who fit and dispense hearing aids to provide consumers information on telecoils. Note that telecoils connect with audio frequency induction loop systems (AFILS, also known as “hearing loops”) which can improve sound clarity.
The law also requires that projects involving new construction or remodeling of public buildings receive two quotes for the installation of AFILS.
Also, in 2022, ICCA collaborated with the Indiana Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services and Indiana School for the Deaf to create and provide car visor cards that help facilitate effective communication between Deaf and hard of hearing motorists and law enforcement officers
Several Board members of Hearing Loss Association America (HLAA) Chapters in Indiana are part of the ICCA. More ICCA members are being recruited.
If interested, contact ICCA Chairman Linda Loftus at
Also, for more information, visit the ICCA Facebook page at: