What is a Telecoil?
List of Looped Places in Indiana
Link to pdf file
If you know of other locations, please let us know at any time. We’ll update our comprehensive list, update the Google Maps listing for the “assistive hearing loop” attribute, and email you a new list.
Please email to- loop.locations@hearingloss.org
Add hearing loop to Google Maps│Free hearing loop toolkit
Get in the Hearing Loop │Loop Locations
Hearing Loss Association of America
6116 Executive Blvd, Suite 320 │ Rockville, MD 20852
National HLAA Loop Webpage LINK
Get the LoopFinder App to find Looped venues quickly.
Hearing Loop Locations are in Google Maps!
Did you know that thousands of locations that have hearing loops are now indicated in Google Maps? When you look up an address you can also see if it is Looped under Accessibility.
We just discovered that Google has added the assistive hearing loop attribute that indicates if somewhere, like a movie theater, house of worship, or library, has a sound system that is compatible with hearing devices (like BeHear ACCESS!) which support telecoil transmission.
Hearing loop systems transmit wireless audio input via a magnetic field to telecoil receivers. These receivers are found in many high-end hearing aids, some dedicated headphones, and in BeHear ACCESS headsets. In a hearing loop system there is no interference, no reverberation, no background noise, just the original signal transmitted directly from the input, whether that is the microphone on a podium, the audio system in a theater, the microphone the cashier is speaking into at the bank, or the music from the concert hall stage. This closed system provides people, especially those with hearing loss, an excellent way to hear voice and audio signals clearly, even in noisy places or when the sound source is far away.
Hearing loop technology is common in Europe and the U.K. and is universally accepted as the international standard for hearing access. Installed base is growing rapidly in the United States as organizations such as HLAA (Hearing Loss Association of America) and others press venues to become compliant with the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act).
TRAVELING WITH HEARING LOSS: A Community Conversation brings together a panel of ternational and local speakers and performers to discuss the challenges of traveling with hearing loss. Audience question and answer time with the panelists will make the evening truly a community conversation.
Gael Hannan, Canadian comedienne and author of "The Way I Hear It: A Life of Hearing Loss", leads off with funny, and not-so-funny, stories from her life as a touring performer and speaker. She is joined by author Dr. David Myers from Michigan, who started the national initiative for hearing loops after a life-changing experience in a Scottish cathedral. Dr. Juliette Sterkens, retired Wisconsin audiologist, educator, and national advocate for hearing loops returns to Eugene to discuss progress she sees across the country for accessible travel. Local Deaf educator and advocate Jincy Schar Roberson adds her own zinging perspectives.
The Jaqua stage will have a hearing loop installed for these presenters, as well as for Alito Alessi whose mixed-ability troupe Danceability will perform. A section Fred Crafts’ Radio Redux, which also uses a hearing loop on stage, will add to the evening.
Presented by The Shedd Institute’s Loop Lane County Committee in celebration of the new hearing loop installations at Eugene Airport and Travel Lane County, and other cultural and business sites in the community.ELING WITH HEARING LOSS: A Community Conversation brings together a panel of international and local speakers and performers to discuss the challenges of traveling with hearing loss. Audience question and answer time with the panelists will make the evening truly a community conversation.
Gael Hannan, Canadian comedienne and author of "The Way I Hear It: A Life of Hearing Loss", leads off with funny, and not-so-funny, stories from her life as a touring performer and speaker. She is joined by author Dr. David Myers from Michigan, who started the national initiative for hearing loops after a life-changing experience in a Scottish cathedral. Dr. Juliette Sterkens, retired Wisconsin audiologist, educator, and national advocate for hearing loops returns to Eugene to discuss progress she sees across the country for accessible travel. Local Deaf educator and advocate Jincy Schar Roberson adds her own zinging perspectives.
The Jaqua stage will have a hearing loop installed for these presenters, as well as for Alito Alessi whose mixed-ability troupe Danceability will perform. A section Fred Crafts’ Radio Redux, which also uses a hearing loop on stage, will add to the evening.
Presented by The Shedd Institute’s Loop Lane County Committee in celebration of the new hearing loop installations at Eugene Airport and Travel Lane County, and other cultural and business sites in the community.
Effective Communication
For People with Hearing Loss

Youtube links used here.
NewsFlash: March 2020-the New York City Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) has just announced that they will be following the lead of San Francisco's BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) and will be installing hearing loops in all new subway cars in the Big Apple.
Join HLAA Loopers Forum to keep up with discussions across the nation. Link to join email group.
For HLAA’s terrific Hearing Loop Toolkit
Visit www.loopwisconsin.com
this one https://time2loopamerica.com/in/ that website tries to keep a list in the whole country www.time2loopamerica.com
this one https://time2loopamerica.com/in/ that website tries to keep a list in the whole country www.time2loopamerica.com
www.lafayettehearingcenter.com/installations-in-indiana this should include most if not all Mark Baitinger’s installs
www.loopwisconsin.com/Images_PDF/WisconsinLoops.pdf on
Thank you for providing feedback.
A heartful thanks to everyone who submitted a comment to the U.S. Access Board for our “Get Rail Cars in the Communication Access Loop” campaign. The Get in the Hearing Loop Committee is thrilled with the responses from manufacturers, installers, and advocates. HLAA also provided an official comment. You are welcome to read the vast variety of comments from individuals and organizations https://beta.regulations.gov/document/ATBCB-2020-0002-0001/comment
LINK for Postcard above so you may print a copy for your audiologist.