Our mission is to open up the world of communication to people with hearing loss by providing education, information, support and advocacy. 

Membership Benefits 

Why You Should Join a Hearing Loss Chapter

The term DHH is used to represent all people who identify as Deaf, deaf, Hard of Hearing, Late-Deafened, DeafBlind and Deaf with Additional Disabilities.

HOH is Hard of Hearing

Who we are as a chapter Sep 1 2023.pdf

"Who We Are as a Chapter" Link to download.

Informal, open to all, virtual chat meetings are each Saturday.

Discussions are open to any topic about hearing loss that you wish to bring up.

The group pitches in to help you solve specific issues you may be encountering with your hearing aid.

Next informal chat meeting Sat July 27th from 3-4pm ED

                                                                  Meeting & Informal Chat LINK is always the same:

(or Phone Number to call in (570) 500-5073‬ use PIN: ‪771 105 468#‬)

Seminars, advocacy for the Hard of Hearing community, social events, support & volunteer opportunities

Contact us: info@HLAA-Indianapolis.org

HLAA-Indianapolis is an affiliate of HLAA National. Please visit www.hearingloss.org for the National webpage.

Our mission is to open up the world of communication to people with hearing loss by providing education, information, support and advocacy. 

We believe sharing our hearing loss journeys through socialization, advocacy, information, and education is important for hearing health. Our organization is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization offering support to all ages who have hearing loss. 

There are over 48 million people in the United States who have hearing loss. Today one in five people have hearing loss. The National Hearing Loss Association of America has existed for over 30 years helping people learn how to best cope. It used to be called the Self Help Hard of Hearing (SHHH) organization when it started. In addition, through our advocacy efforts, affiliates located in all 50 states we have made monumental changes in recent years through legislation and policy on behalf of those with hearing loss. 

Come learn more about us and meet new friends who have hearing loss. All our meetings are VIRTUAL with cc throughout 2020.

We also offer volunteer opportunities to serve the community. If you are interested, please contact us.

Up and Coming Chapter Award!

   Our chapter is honored to be the recipient of the 2020 HLAA Up and Coming Chapter Award!  The award was presented at the HLAA 2022 Convention in Tampa, FL at the Awards Ceremony and Reception by our President, Teresa Gonzalez. (Not presented earlier due to pandemic.)

The Up and Coming Chapter Award is presented to a new chapter (under 2 years old), which most effectively delivers the HLAA mission for its members and the community. This award recognizes chapters for their overall programs that have opened the world of communication for local people with hearing loss through information, education, support and advocacy.

HLAA – Indianapolis Chapter Meetings for 2024

       All meetings (In Person & Virtual together) are on 1st Saturdays of the month. (Check in the calendar)

Virtual Meeting link is:  https://meet.google.com/hon-jtjc-dpr 

Join by phone:    570-500-5073‬ PIN: ‪771 105 468‬#

Virtual Meetings are CLOSED CAPTIONS.

Calendar Link pdf


Calendar Link Live version

Meeting Locations: 

Irvington Public Library: 5625 East Washington St Indianapolis 46219


Glendale Public Library: NEW LOCATION

3660 East 62nd Street, Indianapolis, IN 46220.

Link for ALL meetings is: https://meet.google.com/hon-jtjc-dpr  

(Phone Number to call in is (570) 500-5073‬, PIN: ‪771 105 468#‬)

Copy this into any browser to join the meeting.

You do NOT need to register. 

Some meetings will be held at Irvington Public Library or GlenDale Public Library. 


Non Members are MOST WELCOME.

Schedule content may be subject to change. 

             Board members serving until Dec 2024 are:

Teresa Gonzalez - President

Cathy Phillips - Treasurer

Paula Sutton and Cindy Helmich- Board Members at Large

Ella Hurrell - Secretary/Webmaster

Our Chapter was well represented at the "Listening & Spoken Language" conference in Indianapolis Feb 22, 2020.

Our meetings are a place where you can feel comfortable with others who have hearing loss too. 

You are never alone!

Regular meetings are held with live captioning displayed on an overhead screen for members to follow.

(Virtual meetings are held during the pandemic-details in calendar )

Thank you to our Remote CART* provider, Susan Wollenweber Dezelan, who kindly does our meeting captions, gratis.

*CART stands for Communication Access Realtime Translation. CART is a service in which a certified CART provider listens to speech and instantaneously translates all the speech to text. 

Meetings also have a StreamText link to provide live captioning during a meeting in order for anyone to follow via their device. (smartphone/computer/iPad etc.) 

Chapter Member, Kat Imhausen (aka Mrs Claus) has stories for children with some sign language. LINK. Happiness is Signing.

We thank these contributors for their support! 

CART: Communication Access Realtime Translation

Thank you Susan Dezelan and to Caption First's Kathy Cortopassi, for being our Remote CART providers. We are most grateful for the donation of your time and skill.

Free Equipment Lending Library  LINK

Donate your old Hearing Aids.

Hearing Aid Donation Center.pdf

Donate your old hearing aid (link to above form) when you attend our chapter meetings. We are a donation center for hearing Charities of America. www.HearingAidDonations.org All donations are tax deductible and you will receive a letter of acknowledgement.

HLAA membership is complimentary for Veterans

As we observe Veterans Day this year, we would like to extend a heartfelt “thank you” to all of the men an women who currently serve or have served our country.

Veterans Across America Virtual Chapter

HLAA has a virtual chapter, specifically for Veteran members (and caregivers)!  Members of this online chapter can log-in remotely, collaborate with others on projects, join discussions, delegate tasks, and more. You can find out more about the new HLAA Veterans Across America Virtual Chapter on the Veteranspage. If you are interested in joining the virtual chapter, please email chapters@hearingloss.org.

Veterans Info Link


The HLAA Convention in 2025 will be held in Indianapolis June 11-14, 2025 at the JW Marriott.  

This is exciting news because we will be the host chapter for this huge event!! 

The Convention attracts anywhere between 700-800 people each year.  

We will certainly need as many volunteers as possible to help us prepare for this event.