Hearing Help

Membership Benefits 

Why You Should Join a Hearing Loss Chapter

Resources Summary. LINK. .....compliments of Tina Childress 

(Tina Childress is an educational audiologist, technology and social media aficionado, late-deafened adult and bilateral cochlear implant recipient who is also fluent in ASL.)

HLAA National has some great reources on this webpage LINK

Assistive Communication Technology.  Refers to any technology that helps a person with hearing loss or a voice, speech, or language disorder to communicate. 

Assistive Listening System - An electronic system that silently, and usually wirelessly, transmits sound to a receiving device that connects to earphones or, using a neckloop, hearing aids or an implant processor.  The types of systems currently in use are:

FM/RF- Sound is transmitted by a low power,  high frequency radio transmitter to receivers that connect to headsets or neckloops to reproduce the sound.

IR - IR systems transmit sound to receivers using invisible infrared light waves. Headsets or neckloops are connected to the receivers to reproduce the sound.

Hearing Loop – Sound is transmitted by an electromagnetic field that connects to the telecoils in hearing aids or implant processors or other receivers with headsets that reproduce the sound.

Audio WiFi – Sound is transmitted as radio waves by a router to a borrowed receiver or personal smartphone and relayed to hearing aids via a headset, neckloop or streamed by Bluetooth®.

Hard Wired – Sound is transmitted by plugging a headset or neckloop into an audio jack that is hard wired to the public address system.

Bluetooth® - A technology that uses ultra-high frequency (UHF) radio waves to transmit data or sound from an electronic source to hearing aids, a cell phone, personal computer, music player or other such electronic device.

Captioning  - Captioning takes the spoken word and transcribes it into text, like closed captions on a TV. In public venues captions most often are in a form transmitted to hand held receivers loaned to participants by the venue.

CART - Communication Access Realtime Translation.  A type of captions usually projected onto a reflective screen or a large TV monitor to serve an audience.  In a slide presentation they may be incorporated into a section of the slide.

Cochlear Implant  -   An electronic hearing device implanted in the skull, designed to produce useful hearing sensations to a person with severe to profound hearing loss.

Hearing care provider – Describer for audiologists or hearing aid dispensers (also called hearing instrument specialists) both of whom are licensed to perform hearing tests and fit hearing aids.

Neckloop – A neckloop is a device used in place of a headset or earbuds by people who have receivers called telecoils in their hearing aids or the processor for their implant.

Telecoils – Often called T-coils, are tiny receivers in hearing aids or implant processor and some remote microphones that receive sound transmitted as a silent electromagnetic wave. Activated using the T-switch on the hearing devices or their remote control, they wirelessly connect the user to a hearing loop assistive listening system.

Masks continue and may be with us for some time. Here are some ways to optimize health care visits with a hearing loss. LINK

Click here for our Tip Sheet for Individuals with Hearing Loss about how to prepare for and manage health care visits and communication.

How Do I Communicate with Doctors, Nurses, and Staff at the Hospital During COVID-19? Click: Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Link 4  

Medical Masks and Physical Distance Strategies Link

COVID-19: Video-Based Telehealth Accessibility for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Patients. Link

Your doctor may ask you to stay home and talk to your doctor through online video. Here are some helpful tips.

A guide to group video calling apps for hearing loss: Link

Coping Help from HLAA during Corona virus pandemic.

Hearing loss is isolating enough and now we are further separated with the stay-at-home orders. HLAA is creating online resources and adding free captioned webinars and support sessions to help our members and constituents through this crisis.

Effective Communication Tips Link

HLAA health care and communication guide

This excellent resource from the Hearing Loss Association of America was developed by Toni Iacolucci and Jody Prysock.

Guide for Effective Communication in Health Care »

Did you know that Cerebral Palsy often has Deafness as a Co Morbidity?


The Cerebral Palsy Guide has compiled the most in-depth resources nationwide to help guide and assist families with disabilities caused by physical birth injuries, including deafness.


Regularly doctor reviewed, Cerebral Palsy Guidance (CPG) content extends deep into health and medicine, with other topics like counseling, grief/coping, culture, inclusion, adoption, assistance, lifestyle, civil rights, education and much more. 

Hearing loss

Hearing impairment, also known as hearing loss, refers to any degree of impairment of the ability to hear sound. The degree of one’s hearing loss is measured on a scale and can be slight, mild, moderate, severe or profound. There are three main types of hearing loss, including:

Conductive hearing loss occurs when there is a problem in the outer or middle ear, which results in hearing only faint sounds. With this type of hearing impairment, sound is not properly carried (conducted) through the outer ear canal to the middle ear (the eardrum and the ossicles or the tiny bones of the middle ear) and inner ear. Conductive hearing loss can usually be corrected by medical or surgical intervention.

Sensorineural hearing loss occurs when the inner ear (cochlea) or the auditory nerve are damaged. This type of hearing impairment reduces the ability to hear faint sounds and speech often sounds muffled. It usually cannot be corrected medically or surgically and is the most common type of permanent hearing loss.

A person has mixed hearing loss if they have both conductive and sensorineural hearing loss in an ear. In this case, there is damage in the outer or middle ear and in the inner ear.

Central hearing loss is a rare form of hearing impairment. With central hearing loss, the issue is in the central nervous system, not the ear. The person may be able to hear perfectly, but they cannot interpret or understand the language.

An estimated 20 percent of children with cerebral palsy have a hearing impairment. Early intervention is important because hearing problems can also affect the child’s speech and communication skills.

Are you considering a Cochlear Implant?

Resources LINK


Hearing Help for Seniors: 

Resource Guides

2. Hearing Loss Resource Guide for Medicare Beneficiaries Link

This directory gives you a list of nearly all the hearing aids that you would be available to treat your hearing loss. This can be overwhelming, but by using the filter, you can limit your results do devices that have the features that you want.

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services in Indiana

(as listed in above 2022 Guide by CICOA p49)

Hearing Aids

Medicare does not cover hearing loss exams or the purchase of

hearing aids. Most companies that sell hearing aids offer free hearing

tests. No community program that provides free hearing aids, but

these agencies may help low-income persons obtain them at a

reduced rates or provide additional services to assist individuals with

hearing impairments.

Aspire Indianapolis Deaf Services

2506 Willowbrook Pkwy., Ste. 300, Indianapolis, IN 46205

877-574-1254, www.aspireindiana.org/behavioral-health/deaf-services

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services (DHHS)

Bureau of Rehabilitation Services

402 W. Washington St, Indianapolis, IN 46204

317-542-3449 (VP), www.dhhs.in.gov

Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA)

Indianapolis Chapter

765-442-2060, www.hlaa-indianapolis.org

Indiana Lions Speech and Hearing, Inc.

575 Riley Hospital Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46202


Relay Indiana

317-334-1413 (V/TTY), 800-743-3333, relayindiana.com

Telehealth Appointment/Accessibility Guidelines for the HOH community.

During the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, it may not be safe to go to your doctor’s office -- even for a routine visit. Your doctor may ask you to stay home and discuss your health through video conferencing -- this is called “telehealth.” Even though your appointment is done virtually, your doctor must still provide you with an interpreter or captioning so you can understand your doctor during your appointment. The best way for you to use telehealth is for you to see your doctor, the interpreter, and/or captions on the same screen. However, doctors have varying telehealth systems -- do you know what you can request and what your doctors are still required to provide during the pandemic? 

To address this concern, a coalition of deaf and hard of hearing consumer advocacy organizations, deaf healthcare providers, and other experts worked together to provide special guidelines for deaf and hard of hearing.

If your doctor did not provide access during your telehealth appointment, please contact telehealth@dhhcan.org.

Two apps to check your hearing and fifteen questions about your ears and hearing. 

• Score recommends if you should talk to a physician LINK

1. App from WHO, hearWHO

hearWHO - Check your hearing!

All people should check their hearing from time to time, especially those who are at a higher risk of hearing loss such as adults above 50 years, those working in noisy places, those listening to music at high volumes for long periods of time and those experiencing ear problems.

Services for early identification and intervention should be made available through the health system.

Download the app link

Check out our website: https://www.who.int

Cochlear Hearing Aid Check :Free Online (15min) Link

The results will reveal if you should consider other options apart from hearing aids, for better hearing.

 2. Mimi Hearing Test App

• Similar to audiogram, requires quiet place and calibrated earphones 

• Tracks hearing over time • Free App from Apple

How's your hearing?

Hearing loss is a touchy subject that can bring out the procrastinator in even the best of us. If you think you have hearing loss, take our free online hearing test and then schedule an appointment for a complete hearing assessment at a hearing clinic near you.

Online Hearing Test Link


Apps recommended in Dr Kevin Flanck's presentation in the April 11th 2020 Webinar.  

An Audiologist’s Perspective on Caring for your Hearing Health During COVID 

Dr Flanck is Director of Audiology for Mass Eye & Ear and HLAA National Board Member

Link to his Powerpoint Presentation

Smart phone AMPLIFICATION apps (free):

These and similar apps allow you to use your smart phone and a pair of earphones as a hearing device for live situations (most useful for people with mild to moderate hearing loss).

EarMachine is an app that makes it easy to listen to the sounds that you want to hear. Those sounds can be picked up by the microphone in your phone or earbuds, and can be played from your music library! EarMachine is helpful in situations ranging from talking in noisy restaurants to watching television at home.

Free from the Apple store LINK

This work is funded by the National Institutes of Health (of the United States of America).

Sound Amplifier App by Google

About Sound Amplifier »

SonicCloud lets you personalize the sound you hear on your phone. After taking our accurate hearing assessment, radio stations, podcasts, and phone calls you listen to through SonicCloud will be tuned to your hearing in real time.

You can even refine your results in real time to zero in on hard-to-hear syllables allowing even those with significant hearing loss to achieve beautiful sound enhancement through the SonicCloud app.

App is available from Apple and Google Play

Subscription applies after 1 month


Over the Counter Hearing Aid-Discussion on Status


Over-the-counter personal sound amplification devices (PSAPs)

(most useful for people with mild to moderate hearing loss.)

These high-quality PSAP devices are available from:

William-Sound »

Bellman & Symfon »


Sound World Solutions Nuheara


Costco Hearing Aid Centers offer FREE hearing tests to determine if you can be helped by a hearing aid. Link

What’s New in Cochlear Implants- 

HLAA- NYC chapter hosted webinar.

The meeting of the NYC chapter of the Hearing Loss Association of America, on May 4, 2021 featured a panel of three top cochlear implant surgeons who discussed advances in cochlear implant technology. Topics addressed included changing standards for qualification, auditory training after implantation, and assistive devices offered by each of the three FDA-approved manufacturers. The panel discussion was moderated by Justin Golub, associate professor of otolaryngology—head and neck surgery, NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center. He was joined by Dr. George Alexiades, Director of the Cochlear Implant Center at the Weill Cornell Medical College, and Dr. David Friedmann, Associate Professor, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at NYU Grossman School of Medicine.


ADA  Americans with Disabilities

An ALDA Chapter pledges to pursue one or more of the general objectives of ALDA, which are to provide education, advocacy, role models, and support (EARS) for late-deafened adults.

ALDA Group in northern Indiana.Meetings are held quarterly. www.alda.org www.facebook.com/ALDAInc/ 


DIG (Deaf In Government) is a not for profit that influences  local, state and federal public policy. 

DIG serves as an employee support group for local, state and federal employees who are either Deaf or Hard of Hearing. As an organization, we are committed to accessibility, networking opportunities, and the advancement of Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals.


DIG is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization which supports Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals nationwide. 

DIG Resources for anyone LINK


Law & Advocacy Center

The NAD Law and Advocacy Center educates, advocates, and litigates on behalf of and to empower deaf and hard of hearing people.


We are a clearinghouse for general legal information about deaf-related issues.  This information is available to deaf and hard of hearing individuals, their families and friends; to organizations serving deaf and hard of hearing people; and to employers, government agencies, service providers and businesses.  We provide information online at www.nad.org and respond to hundreds of emails and calls every month for information, advocacy support, legal advice, representation, and referral.


We advocate on legislative and public policy issues of concern to the deaf and hard of hearing community, particularly at the national level and often in collaboration with other national organizations.  We cover a wide range of issues including, but not limited to, captioning, early intervention, education, employment, emergency preparedness, health care, technology, and transportation.  You can learn more about issues of interest to you and the deaf and hard of hearing community through the links on many of our website pages.  On these pages, you will also find more information about action the NAD has taken on these issues and how you can get involved.

Legal Representation

Our attorneys represent deaf and hard of hearing individuals in disability discrimination civil rights cases that are carefully selected to establish powerful legal principles of equality and equal access (also known as impact cases).  The selected cases are those that present the best mixture of legal and factual issues, with the potential of having the widest possible impact and benefit for the deaf and hard of hearing community.  Cases are selected without regard to client income or NAD membership status.  Courts may award attorney fees and costs to the successful party in civil rights cases.  Settlement agreements may also provide for the payment of legal fees and costs.  Our attorneys may serve as co-counsel with private attorneys who are licensed in other states, but only on a limited, court-approved, case-by-case basis.  Our attorneys also consult with lawyers who represent deaf or hard of hearing clients.



Hearing Charities of America supports those who are deaf or hard of hearing through awareness, volunteerism and philanthropy. We provide resources for hearing professionals, manufacturers and individuals with hearing issues in the communities we serve.

BEST Hearing Aids of 2021 |LINK

 In-The-Ear Version | Custom & Non-Custom ITEs.  

Dr. Cliff Olson, Audiologist and founder of Applied Hearing Solutions in Phoenix Arizona, discusses his picks for the TOP Custom and Non-Custom In-The-Ear Hearing Aids as we enter 2021.  

His YouTube videos cover many topics. Take a look and Subscribe.

Effects of Untreated hearing Loss


The International Federation of Hard of Hearing People (IFHOH)  Link

was established in 1977 as an international, non-governmental organization, registered in Germany.  IFHOH represents the interests of more than 300 million hard of hearing people worldwide.  This includes late deafened adults, cochlear implant users, and people who experience Tinnitus, Meniere’s disease, Hyperacusis and auditory processing disorders.  IFHOH has over 40 national member organizations from most regions of the world.  IFHOH and the European Federation of Hard of Hearing People (EFHOH) work to promote greater understanding of hearing loss issues and to improve access for hard of hearing people.  IFHOH has special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), affiliation with the World Health Organization, and membership in the International Disability Alliance. Join their email list. Link

Many resources.

eg How to file a charge of employment discrimination. Link

Join HLAA (National) for Member Discounts in hearing related items

Get A Free Copy of Rebecca Alexander’s Book ‘Not Fade Away’ When You Sign Up for hearOclub!

Speech Reading

“The act or process of determining the intended meaning of a speaker by utilizing all visual clues accompanying speech attempts, as lip movements, facial expressions, and bodily gestures, used especially by people with impaired hearing.” 

Powerpoint compliments from HLAA-Chicago

Connecting hearing aids to computers and tablets. 



Speech-to-text apps

Google Live Transcribe »

Ava »

Microsoft Translator »

Otter »

NALscribe (for iphone and iPad) Free, unlimited time use.

Video Remote Language Interpretation

MARTTI (My Access Real-Time Trusted Interpreter) »

Stratus Video »

Hearing Aid Project:Hearing Aid Resources Link

Are you in need of hearing aid assistance? Explore the national and state resources available in the link above. If you are not eligible for these programs, you may be able to qualify for hearing aid assistance through the Hearing Aid Project.

Everything you need to know about different Caption Phones  LINK

Caption Call Phones are still available to order for the HOH community during this crisis.

Caption Call are considered part of the essential workforce.  First, we can have the phones delivered to your patients home and we can do a self -installation process over the phone our Customer Support team can walk them through the procedures or if they have a family member or their child we can instruct them also the installation process. Secondly, if they want the iPhone mobile application, the patient can also go to the Apple Store to download the CaptionCall Mobile application and follow further instructions that we will also guide them through this process.

Krista Bridwell

Account Manager


Cell: 812-797-9409

Website: www.CaptionCall.com

ClearCaptions is committed to your safety and wellbeing during the current COVID-19 situation.

We’re here to help you with your call captioning questions and needs, keeping you connected to family, friends, doctors and others, every time, for every call, every day.

We can also provide the following to individuals and communities:

Contact me today to let me know how I can help.

Stacey Bunes

Title IV ADA Outreach Specialist





CaptionMate Overview

CaptionMate is a free service for individuals with hearing loss. It allows you to read both sides of the phone conversation instantaneously. CaptionMate works on smartphones, tablets, smart TVs and all other phones, even your landline. Registration is free and creates no obligation.

How to Get CaptionMate

1. Email support@captionmate.com and ask for a referral code for CaptionMate.

2. Return the signed form sent to get the referral code

3. Download CaptionMate app from Apple/Android

4. Start have a phone conversation (read both sides!)

Jon Gray was our May 2020 Speaker


YouTube Link for CaptionMate

Everything you need to know about different Caption Apps  LINK

Videoconferencing platform with embedded captions

Google Meet »

Zoom »

Speech-to-Text Options Link This is the most concise chart.

Zoom Captioning Options LINK for table to understand what is available.

Table videocaptioning apps LINK

Captioning options for Videoconferencing and Learning Management Systems Link

How to use the App Otter to transcribe videomeetings.

How to transcribe any video meetings with Otter.ai

How to transcribe a video on a Mac with Otter.ai

How to transcribe a video on a PC with Otter.ai

A guide to group video calling apps for hearing loss: Link

HLAA-Indianapolis Chapter uses the free app "Google MEET" for its videoconferencing because it provides automatic captioning.

Link for Browser 

Download App from Google, Apple, for your phone or iPad

Google Chrome Browsers have Google Meet integrated so you find it easily of the left side of your email window.

How to use Google MEET Link

Music Rehabilitation Tips


Listening to curated music for those with hearing impairment.

Nanette Florian, a musician with a cochlear implant, has created internet radio stations where each song has been meticulously chosen for its clarity and will greatly benefit people who have trouble hearing music as they once did.

Click on this https://www.hearmusicagain.org/listen-to-whra.html to listen to her music stream/stations for those with hearing aides or cochlear implants.


Microsoft accessibility features LINK

Present with real-time subtitles

Display auto-generated subtitles on a presentation in any of 60+ supported languages with the Presentation Translator add-in for PowerPoint on PCs. Plus, let each audience member follow along with captions displayed in their chosen language on any device with Microsoft Translator.

Get Presentation Translator  Try Microsoft Translator 

Autogenerate captions for videos

Share videos securely across your organization in an accessible format with Microsoft Stream. Select a simple option, and you’ll get captions and searchable transcripts in English and Spanish autogenerated while uploading videos.

Get Microsoft Stream  Auto-generate your own captions 

Don't miss a beat

If you have partial hearing loss or deafness in one ear, Windows 10 helps you to hear more from your computer. Just turn on mono audio, and your left and right speakers will play the same sounds.

Configure mono audio 

Captioning Options 

Link for chart below http://bit.ly/ZoomCaptioningOptions

Complements of Tina Childress (http://bit.ly/TinaChildressResources)

Speech-to-Text Options.pdf
Table videocaptioning apps.pdf

For those with Meniere's, check out this Support Group


Friday, 9 April 2021

12:00pm to 1:30pm PT

Repeats: Monthly on the second Friday

Email Organizer for Zoom link: Robert G Hall rghall4@icloud.com 650-867-5256

Tips for Maintaining Hearing Aids, Improving Listening Success


Information for Cochlear Implant recipients and Action Group.

Plan Ahead For Any Emergency-SMART 911 service

You can share lifesaving information about your household with 911 centers and receive targeted emergency alerts by setting up smart911 so if ever you dial 911 that information is supplied to the call center automatically.

When you call 911 your profile displays in 911 centers nationwide. The 911 can view the information that you supplied eg deaf or need special assistance to first responders.

Also may opt in to receive public safety alerts.

Once you've signed up for Smart911, first responders will be aware of important information you have provided that will help Police, Fire, and EMS locate and help you in an emergency.

Sign up for smart911 here https://www.smart911.com/ (or on the app smart911 that you download)

Smart911 is a free service. Services are paid for by public agencies ensuring free and equal access to all citizens of the community at no cost to them.

Smart911 is the only way registrants can create a Safety Profile that displays when they call 9-1-1. Users can provide key information about members in a household, such as medical conditions, disabilities or special medical needs, communication preferences and car and property details as part of their Safety Profiles.

Does my Safety Profile expire? No. However Smart911 requires you to log into your Safety Profile and confirm or update your information every 6 months.


You MUST place a phone call to 9-1-1 to request assistance. You CAN NOT initiate a request for assistance through text messaging.


1) Dogs for the Deaf, Inc.

President/CEO: Bryan Williams


10175 Wheeler Road

Central Point






(541) 826-9220

Toll-Free Voice: 

(800) 990-DOGS (3647)


(541) 826-9220


(541) 826-6696


info@dogsforthedeaf.org(link sends e-mail)

Web Address: 


2) Dogs On The Go Assistance Dogs (Teresa on the Board of Directors)

Serving Illinois & Wisconsin

President: Anna Evans


720 S. Eastwood Drive #175

Woodstock, IL 60098

Voice: (815) 770-7300 Email: info@dogsonthego.us


3) Canine Companions for Independence

President: Paige Mazzoni

Locations: Ohio, Indiana, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, West Viriginia, Pennsylvania, New York, California, Washington, Oregon, Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Montana, Utah and Arizona

Toll free: 1-800-572-BARK (2275)

National Headquarters:

1-866-CCI-DOGS (224-3647)

P.O. Box 446

Santa Rosa, CA 95402-0446



4) International Hearing Dogs, Inc.

President: Samuel Cheris

5901 E. 89th Avenue

Henderson, Colorado 80640

Phone 303.287.3277

Fax 303.287.3277

website: https://www.hearingdog.org/

On behalf of HLAA National, Thank you to these organizations and companies who support hearing health care research and solutions.

Answer or make RTT or TTY calls from your cell phone (apple or android)

Real-time text (RTT) is text transmitted instantly as it is typed or created. Recipients can immediately read the message while it is being written, without waiting.

With a cellular connection on your cell phone, you can make RTT or TTY (Real-time text/Text Telephone) calls without any extra hardware. Real-time text allows the other person to read immediately, without waiting for the sender to finish composing his or her sentence/message.

You can also find transcripts of your previous calls.

Real-time text (RTT) is text transmitted instantly as it is typed or created. Recipients can immediately read the message while it is being written, without waiting. Real-time text is used for conversational text, in collaboration, and in live captioning. Technologies include TDD/TTY devices for the deaf, live captioning for TV, Text over IP (ToIP), some types of instant messaging, captioning for telephony/video teleconferencing, telecommunications relay services including ip-relay, transcription services including Remote CART, TypeWell, collaborative text editing, streaming text applications, next-generation 9-1-1/1-1-2[1] emergency service. Obsolete TDD/TTY devices are being replaced by more modern real-time text technologies, including Text over IP, ip-relay, and instant messaging.

Real-time text is frequently used by the deaf, including IP-Relay services, TDD/TTY devices, and Text over IP. Real-time text allows the other person to read immediately, without waiting for the sender to finish composing his or her sentence/message. This allows conversational use of text, much like a hearing person can listen to someone speaking in real-time.

iPhone setup information

Android phone setup

Telephone relay services (TRS) for captioning

The following captioning phones and apps can be integrated with videoconferencing platforms used for eg virtual health visits.

Directory of internet-based TRS providers »

InnoCaption »

InnoCaption’s DeskView » (Links with all videoconferencing platforms)

Caption Call (Sorenson) »

Hamilton CapTel »

Olelo »

Sprint Relay »

Universal symbol for RTT (Real Time Text)

Financial assistance for hearing aids: General information:

Financial assistance for hearing aids: General information:

Nonprofit and charitable organizations

Underinsured persons should also look into charities and service groups. These may be able to pay some of the cost of hearing aids or cochlear implants. Local service organizations include:

Elks Lodges

The Lions Club

Masonic organizations

Knights of Columbus councils

Even when they do not provide official hearing aid support, many of these

organizations give financial assistance to needy members of the community.

Financial assistance programs state by state

In most states, you can find out more about hearing care by contacting these


Aid to Families and Dependent Children

Children’s Services

Department of Human Services (DHS)

Department of Rehabilitation

State Vocational Rehabilitation Agency

State-by-state assistance for hearing aids in the U.S.


Alabama Vocational Rehab Blind and Deaf Services Division

Southern Disability Foundation


Department of Labor and Workforce Development



Arizona Commission for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Arizona Ear Foundation (programs for children only)

Arizona Loans for Assistive Technology

Southern Arizona Hearing Aid Bank



Arkansas Area Agency on Aging


FreedomTech Loan Program


Hearing Education & Assistance by Rocky Mountain Sertomans


University of Northern Colorado Communication Assistance Program



Connecticut Tech Assistive Technology Loan Program


Assistive Technology Alternative Financing Program

District of Columbia

DC Funds Alternative Financing Program

The Eric Fund Grant

Shared Horizons Charitable Fund


Center for Hearing and Communication

Children’s Hearing Help Fund (children only)

Florida Alliance for Assistive Services and Technology (FAAST) loans

Sertoma Speech and Hearing Foundation of Florida Hearing Aid



Georgia Lighthouse Lions Foundation


State of Hawaii Department of Health


Idaho Assistive Technology Project

Idaho Council for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing


Illinois Assistive Technology Program

Sertoma Speech and Hearing Center Illinois


Easter Seals Alternative Financing Program

Give Hear

Indiana Lions Speech and Hearing


Able Up Iowa Alternative Financing

Iowa Compass Program

Iowa Lions Hearing Aid Bank


K-Loan Assistive Technology Loan Program




Kentucky Assistive Technology Loan Corporation (KATLC)

Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Central Office

Kentucky’s Statewide Hearing Aid Reuse Program (SHARP)

Louisiana Assistive Technology Loan Program (Alternative Financing


The Warren Center’s Regional Hearing Aid Bank (ReHAB)


Eric Fund Grant

Hearing and Speech Agency (HASA)


Shared Horizons Charitable Fund

Lions Club District 33S Hearing Foundation


Lions of Michigan Hearing Center

Michigan Assistive Technology Loan Fund


EquipALife Programs

Minnesota Department of Human Services Deaf and Hard of Hearing


TPA Hearing Trust Grant


Office on Deaf and Hard of Hearing


Center for Hearing & Speech (St. Louis Area)

Hearing Loss Association of America St. Louis Chapter

Missouri Assistive Technology

Missouri Commission for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing


Montana Lions Sight and Hearing Foundation

Montana Assistive Technology Program


University of Nebraska HearU Hearing Aid Bank


The Hearing Foundation (Ear of the Lion)

New Hampshire

Lions Sight and Hearing Foundation of New Hampshire

New Jersey

NJ Department of Health

The New Jersey Hearing Aid Project

New Mexico

New Mexico Commission for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing

New Mexico Assistive Technology Program

New York

Center for Hearing and Communication

Ann Stadelmaier Hearing Aid Fund

Center for Hearing and Communication

North Carolina

Ear and Hearing Center

North Carolina Division of Services for DHH

North Dakota

North Dakota Assistive Technology Financial Loan

North Dakota Association for the Disabled


Columbus Speech & Hearing Center

Ohio Department of Aging Assistive Technology

Ohio Hearing Aid Assistance Program (OHAAP)



Hearts for Hearing

Oklahoma SHARPS (Oklahoma Seniors)


Oregon Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation

Oregon Technology Access Program (children only)


Disability Rights Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation

Rhode Island

Commission for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing

South Carolina

South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control

University of South Carolina Medical School Columbia

South Dakota

Hearing Aid Assistance Program (HAAP)

South Dakota Lions Foundation


Library Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Tennessee Technology Access Program (TTAP)

The Hearing and Speech Foundation


Callier Center through Parkland Hospital

Dallas Hearing Foundation

Deaf Action Center

Texas Health & Human Services

University of Texas Austin Speech Language and Hearing Services


Utah Department of Health (Kids)


Vermont Assistive Technology Program

Vermont Division of Vocational Rehabilitation


Assistive Technology Loan Fund Authority

Central Virginia Lions Hearing Aid Bank


Northern VA Resource Center for Deaf & Hard of Hearing

Shared Horizons Charitable Fund

The Eric Fund Grant


Northwest Access Fund

Washington Assistive Technology Act Program (WATAP)

West Virginia

Division of Rehabilitative Services

WV Assistive Technology System


UW Speech and Hearing Clinic Hearing Aid Recycling Program

Wisconsin Lions Foundation


Wyoming Families for Hands and Voices

WMHB Hearing Aid Assistance Program

Wyoming Department of Education Deaf Services

To learn about services where you live, contact your state’s

health department.